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Blood Draw

Our Blood Draw Service offers a convenient and professional way to collect blood samples for diagnostic purposes, screening tests, and monitoring various health conditions. We understand that blood draws can be intimidating for some individuals, so we strive to provide a comfortable and efficient experience while ensuring accurate and reliable results.

Concierge Medical Exam - Coming Soon!

Our Concierge Medical Exam service provides a personalized and comprehensive approach to healthcare, offering patients a convenient and premium experience in the comfort of their own surroundings. With a focus on individualized care and attention, our concierge medical exam is designed to meet the unique needs and preferences of each patient.

Checking Blood Pressure

EKG - Coming soon!

Our EKG (Electrocardiogram) service provides a comprehensive assessment of a patient's heart health by measuring the electrical activity of the heart. An EKG is a valuable diagnostic tool used by healthcare professionals to detect various heart conditions and abnormalities.

Our skilled medical staff, including trained technicians and experienced cardiologists, perform EKG tests in a comfortable and safe environment. The procedure involves placing electrodes on specific locations of the patient's chest, arms, and legs to record the electrical signals generated by the heart.


Ultrasound - Coming soon!

Our ultrasound service provides accurate and non-invasive diagnostic imaging using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology. Our team of skilled and experienced sonographers, radiologists, and healthcare professionals are dedicated to delivering high-quality and comprehensive ultrasound examinations.

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